This draft Future Development Strategy (FDS) for Ngāmotu New Plymouth has been prepared by Taranaki Regional Council and New Plymouth District Council. Its purpose is to promote long term strategic planning by setting out how we intend to achieve well-functioning urban environments and how we will provide sufficient housing and business development capacity over the next 30 years. The FDS also assists in the integration of planning decisions with infrastructure planning and funding decisions.

The Government introduced the National Policy Statement on Urban Development (NPS-UD) in August 2020 (updated 2022). The NPS-UD outlines the requirements for what an FDS must show and be informed by. Both Taranaki Regional Council and the New Plymouth District Council have a statutory responsibility as Tier 2 local authorities to develop and implement an FDS for the New Plymouth District.

Links to other useful documents

Housing and Business Capacity Assessment 2024

Under the National Policy Statement 2020 (NPS-UD), the New Plymouth district is identified as a tier 2 urban environment. Both Taranaki Regional Council and the New Plymouth District Council have a statutory responsibility as tier 2 local authorities to prepare a Housing and Business Capacity Assessment (HBCA) for the New Plymouth district. As part of this requirement, the HBCA must quantify the development capacity to meet the expected demand for housing and business land over a 30-year period.

Proposed District Plan

The draft FDS builds upon the Proposed District Plan process. The development of the Proposed District Plan involved detailed analysis of New Plymouth’s urban environment and significant work to determine the suitability of areas of land for various urban uses.