New Plymouth District Council (NPDC), take our privacy obligations seriously, including the personal information we collect about you on this website.

The personal information we collected on this website is held and protected in accordance with our Privacy Policy, and the Privacy Act 2020.For details how we, NPDC, collects and protects your personal information, please refer to our Privacy Statement. It is also available on NPDC’s website under Terms and Conditions.

This site is owned and operated by New Plymouth District Council using software licensed from Social Pinpoint. For details of how Social Pinpoint may access personal information, please refer to Social Pinpoint’s Privacy Policy.

What personal information we collect


If you register as a member <hyperlink to information about this> for this Have Your Say website or sign in to an existing account, the personal information we collect includes your email address and additional demographic information as provided by you when you registered.

Please note, you can still browse any publicly available information on this site without registering.


The information provided when you interact with this website including:

  • Online forums
  • interactive maps
  • surveys
  • quick polls
  • formal submission processes

Website information

We collect information about how you use this site such as pages visited, documents loaded, etc. This information is aggregated, and all users are anonymous and not personally identifiable. It will be used to analyse and track data, determine the popularity of certain content, and better understand online activity.

How we use it

The information we collect is analysed and used to inform Council’s decision makers in the creation of better projects, plans and policies.

Why do we request personal information?

  • to enable us to respond to you (if necessary)
  • so, we can let you know about any future events on any specific topics that you request.
  • to provide us with the demographic information to determine the extent to which the feedback collected is representative of the community.
  • to allow us to gather participation data (such as numbers interacting from specified areas) with specific topics to better inform our feedback to Council.
  • to understand the reach and representation achieved and address any gaps to ensure diverse representational engagement across the NPDC community.
  • to ensure that any one participant or spammers and trolls are not unduly influencing the feedback results.
Email notifications

If you subscribe to receive notifications about upcoming projects or other engagement activities, the email address you provided will be used by us to send you that information. You can unsubscribe from these notifications at any time.

Sharing your personal information

Access to your personal information is confined to authorised users only, which includes employees of NPDC on a need-to-know basis, our website administrators, and Social Pinpoint.

NPDC respects the privacy of your information and will take all reasonable measures to prevent unauthorised access to, or unlawful disclosure of, your personal information.

Third Parties

We may also disclose personal information to third parties, and you consent to us disclosing your personal information, for the following purposes:

The following Email Direct Marketing is used in conjunction with New Plymouth District Council to assist with communicating, reviewing, interpreting, and gaining insights into feedback submitted via Have Your Say NPDC:

  • Campaign Monitor Australia 1 Pty Limited ABN 45604705473

Publicly available information

When you sign up to and use Have Your Say NPDC, some of the information you provide will be publicly available.

Information that is available to the public is limited to your username and any comments you leave under that username in the forums or other feedback tools published to Have Your Say NPDC. As above, you can use an anonymous username if you do not want your full name attached to your comments.

Feedback (including overall results of formal submissions, polls, and surveys, and in some instances, quotes from forums and surveys with the username referenced) may be published in publicly available reports at the end of the consultation period.

You may use Have Your Say NPDC to make submissions to NPDC pursuant to the Local Government Act 2002. By taking part in the public submission process, all submissions (including your name, address and contact details) are provided to Council officers and elected members for the purpose of analysing feedback.

Your personal information will also be used for the administration of the engagement and decision-making process. Submissions (with individuals names only) may be available online. If requested, submitter details may be released under the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987.

If there are good reasons why your details and/or submission should be kept confidential, please contact our Privacy Officer.

How long do we hold personal information?

The length of time we keep your personal information depends on what it is and whether we have an ongoing need to retain it. We may retain all personal information that we collect (on both our active systems and our archives systems) for as long as administratively necessary, in accordance with NPDC’s information retention and disposal authority.

The Public Records Act 2005 (Public Records Act) requires us to keep “protected records” indefinitely. In some circumstances, your personal information may be included within a protected record, including submissions you make in relation to bylaws, annual plans, and district or regional planning instruments.

Storage of personal information

Information collected through Have Your Say NPDC will be held by Social Pinpoint in accordance with its privacy policy. Social Pinpoint is an offshore service provider based in Australia so personal information collected will be stored in their server located in Sydney, Australia. The information will also be downloaded on NPDC servers with privacy protections in place. We comply with the requirements of the Privacy Act in relation to the transfer of personal information offshore.

Access and Correction of Personal Information

We will provide you with access to your personal information unless we are required or authorised to refuse such access by law.

If you would like to access, update, correct, or delete the personal information that the NPDC is holding about you, you are welcome to make these requests by email Please quote your name and address and, if possible, provide brief details of what information you want a copy of (this helps us to locate more readily your information).

When you are a registered user, you will have the ability to correct your personal information at your discretion through the ‘edit profile’ function. You may also choose to contact us to request a change or correction of your personal information. We will take all necessary steps to accommodate your request unless we are required or authorised to refuse that request by law.

Links to external websites

Have Your Say NPDC may contain links to other websites. Those links are provided for convenience only and may not be current or be maintained. NPDC is not responsible for the content, accuracy or privacy practices associated with the linked websites.

Any links to other websites should not be construed as any endorsement, approval, recommendation, or preference by NPDC of the owners or operators of those websites, or of any information, graphics, materials, products, or services referred to on those websites.

Changes to this privacy statement

We reserve the right to amend this privacy statement from time to time by posting an updated privacy statement here on this website. We will collect, use, hold and disclose your personal information in accordance with our most recently updated version of the privacy statement. We recommend that you regularly review this privacy statement when you visit this website.

If you do not agree with any aspect of the updated privacy policy, you must promptly notify us using the contact details set out below.


If you have any questions, queries, or complaints about the handling of your personal information, please contact our Privacy Officer in the first instance using the contact details set out below and we will do our best to assist.




NPDC Privacy Officer
Private Bag 2025, 84 Liardet Street,
New Plymouth 4340,
Aotearoa New Zealand

Phone: 06 759 6060

If you’re not satisfied with how we’ve handled your request, you have the right to make a complaint to the Office of the Privacy Commissioner

You can make a complaint to the Privacy Commissioner. Go to for details,
phone 0800 803 909 or write to Office of the Privacy Commissioner PO Box 10094 Wellington, 6143