Welcome to the FAR Committee Self-Evaluation Survey.

Each year the Finance, Audit and Risk Committee completes a self-evaluation. To enable that, we’ve put together a survey to gather insights about how the committee is going. The aim is to use these insights to guide potential improvements to how we operate for the next 12 months.

We're asking Committee members as well as Councillors, Community Board members and Te Ranga Urungi (TRU) members, who have attended a Finance, Audit and Risk Committee meeting in the last year for their feedback. Your feedback will be instrumental in shaping the future of the committee.

The survey won’t take up much of your time (about 5-10 minutes) and your responses are anonymous unless you include identifiable comments.

We’d appreciate it if you could please complete the survey by 8 November 2024 so we can analyse the results and report on them and potential improvement opportunities at the December committee meeting.