The Draft Trade Waste Bylaw 2025 is now open for consultation.
NPDC Bylaw 2008: Part 11 Trade Waste is being reviewed.
Trade waste is any commercial liquid (which is not typical domestic waste) that is discharged into our wastewater system. If not controlled, trade waste can be harmful to our wastewater network, the treatment system, the environment, our staff and the public.
The review of the bylaw has been informed by:
- Complaints received about trade waste.
- Trade Waste Team data, including non-compliance notices issued to consent holders.
- Requirements for NPDC's commercial product Bioboost® - for the Guidelines for the Safe Application of Biosolids to Land in New Zealand (2003).
The current Trade Waste Bylaw is largely fit for purpose. Therefore, the proposed changes to the bylaw are relatively minor and aimed at improving the systems and formalising practices which are currently carried out as best practice in the industry. The proposed changes will provide more clarity and certainty for customers.
It is also proposed to create the Trade Waste Bylaw 2025 as a stand-alone bylaw, which is consistent with the approach taken for recent NPDC bylaw reviews and sector best practice.
The purpose of this bylaw is to protect public health and the security of the public wastewater system as well as protect the Council's investment in existing and future infrastructure, treatment plants and disposal facilities.
For further information on the review and proposals read the Statement of Proposal and supporting documents.